
Pikesville Plumbers Emergency Plumbing Repairs


At Atlantic Mechanical we find that Pikesville plumbers are called out to attend to the same common plumbing repair jobs virtually every day. As a home owner you will invariably find the need to call your local plumber in to fix one of these. Let’s go through some of those that you need to get done before it reaches the stage of becoming an emergency.

Dripping faucets

Nothing is more annoying than a faucet that won’t stop dripping. You tighten it again and again, but it just keeps up the drip, drip noise that can drive you crazy. Probably a washer that has gone and needs replacement. Not a big job, but certainly one that you want to get done to calm your frazzled nerves. Real torture like this!

Low water pressure

After a hot day you look forward to stripping off and jumping into that refreshing shower. You may be surprised to know that American showers are rated by visitors to our shores as amazing compared to the weak efforts that they are used to back home. Many a tourist has gone back to Britain bemoaning the paltry stream that is called a shower on the other side of the pond. That’s great for us, but what if you switch on only to find that the pressure out of the head is so weak that it hardly gets you wet! Nothing to boast about here, and you can’t wait to get it attended to.

Running toilet

The common toilet is a marvelous invention. Just flush it and a stream of fresh water swirls around rinsing out the bowl. It all empties out and then starts filling with fresh water. Just a short while later the sound of water filling slows down and stops. Or does it? For some reason the toilet sometimes just carries on running and running. It just never seems to stop filling. So you flush it again, and with a bit of luck this time it stops, and then…. it starts running again. So annoying.

Leaky pipes

One day you look up and see a patch on the ceiling. You climb up and feel it and sure enough it is dampness. You measure the distance to the wall and go upstairs to look, and it’s pretty clear that it is coming from the bathroom, Somewhere there, under the tub, a leaking pipe is starting to drip water. Maybe a connection has come loose or a pipe has corroded. One thing is for sure that unless you get it attended to, you are going to have to repaint the ceiling.

Slow or clogged drains

You are enjoying a shower with a powerful jet of water tingling your scalp and back. Nothing could be greater, you soap away with the great American shower working just as it should. That is, until you realize that you are standing up to your ankles in water! Oh no! The outlet is running so slow that the shower cubicle or bath tub is filling faster than it can drain. Imagine the gunk down there clogging it and slowing the flow to a trickle! Sometimes a bottle of drain cleaner will speed the flow, but sooner or later you are going to need to get the drains unclogged.

Water heater problems

Turn on the hot water faucet to start filling the tub, and add some cold to get the temperature just right. Wait a minute, the water is cold! Turn the cold right off and hold your hand under the spout, but nothing doing, It just doesn’t warm up! Nothing could be worse than a cold bath or even a cold shower when the weather isn’t warm. Not pleasant at all.

Sewer line breaks or leaks

Something is smelling bad. Did the kids forget to flush the toilet? Nope, that’s not the problem. It’s obvious that the sewer line is clogged or leaking. Time to make an urgent call your friendly plumber!

Sump pump failure

It’s been raining heavily and the ground outside is water-logged. No problem though as the sump pump in your basement will take care of any rising ground water that seeps up through the foundations. That is provided the sump pump is doing its job. But what if it isn’t?

Clogged toilet

The kids just didn’t listen and they filled the bowl with toilet paper and who knows what else got dropped in there. So the water is filled right up  to the top of the bowl and you can’t find the plunger that was always sitting there in the corner of the utility room. If you try and flush again the chances are it will overflow and then you’ll really have a mess on your hands. Quick! What’s the plumber’s number?

 No heat

Fall is around the corner and you decide one cool evening to try out the heating system, but no go. The air out of the vents is cold and no fiddling with the thermostat can get it any warmer. This calls for some drastic action before it really starts getting cold.


All of these might be classified as emergency plumbing repair jobs that need to be done as soon as possible. No need to worry, we can be there in a jiffy and get the job done for you!

Atlantic Mechanical Baltimore Plumbing, Heating and Cooling

Tips and tricks for fixing a toilet


We all dread the day the toilet won’t work properly, and that’s even more stressful when you have no experience at all when it comes to fixing a toilet. Don’t worry, though—there’s always a way to get everything back in order.


Call the plumber or head to the hardware store?


How to maintain your household plumbing


Unless you’re Tony Stark, you probably don’t have a self-maintaining plumbing system at home—so it’s best if you occasionally took the time to care for your pipes and fixtures. This will help everything last longer and helps make sure that you won’t be facing a major plumbing problem at the most inopportune times. Below you’ll find some tips and tricks when it comes to maintaining the plumbing in your home.


The Value of a Good Plumber


Why is it essential to have a good plumber?
Got a serious leak somewhere around the house that you can’t fix yourself? Time to call your trusted plumber! Wait—what do you mean you don’t have one? There’s no denying the value of a good plumber, so it’s best that you find one in your area that can provide you with satisfactory service. Here are some reasons why a reliable plumber will serve you well.


Sump pump installation, maintenance and repair


Why Do I Need a Sump in my Basement?

If you’ve ever heard stories of basements that were unexpectedly flooded, you can be sure that the houses in question did not have sump pumps installed.

Ground water rising from around your foundations, or from exceptionally heavy rains, could flood your basement with disastrous consequences causing a heavy financial loss. So the wise solution is to have a sump pump installed in the basement floor. It could turn out to be the most important appliance in your home.


What do sump pumps do?


Essential tools for DIY plumbing


Making DIY fixes for plumbing problems is a surefire way to save up, as you don’t have to hire professionals to fix issues that you can solve on your own. If you’ve decided do your own plumbing work, then you’ll need some tools to get a variety of jobs done. We’ve listed several of them below, so that you’ll be armed with the essentials when it’s time to tackle your first DIY plumbing task.


Detecting Gas Leaks


Before you ready the following guidelines, please note that gas leaks can be extremely dangerous. These are meant to serve as general guidelines, but you should always consult a professional when it comes to gas leak concerns. If you are in the Baltimore Maryland area, please call Atlantic Mechanical at 443.213.1804 to find out how we can help you.

Detecting gas leaks

Leaking gas inside the home leads to injuries, and sometimes even death, as it can cause poisoning and might even be the start of an explosion or a fire. This is why detecting gas leaks is so imporant—and preventing them even more so.


What to do when you have leaking faucets


It may seem like a small problem, but leaking faucets should not be left alone. For one, even if it’s just drop by drop, you will be wasting water and it will show on your water bill. Plus, depending on the location, other complications can arise. For example, mold could grow where there’s excessive moisture from leaks and there could even be minimal water damage.


That’s why it is in your best interests to eliminate that leak right away. Here are some pieces of information to help you out.


Leaking Faucet Plumbing


Solving common toilet problems


Flush away common problems with your toilet


We take it for granted, but a fully functional toilet is one of the great conveniences of modern life. What happens when common problems with your toilet disturb the flow of our day-to-day lives? It’s nothing but a ton of hassle for sure.


How to prevent water leaks


Over time, a household will most certainly be riddled with pesky water leaks—issues that cause the homeowner a ton of hassle while also putting a dent in his or her bank account. The best way to get rid of water leaks is to prevent them from ever being a problem in the first place. Here are some tips and tricks to get your prevention efforts started.
