Month: November 2015

What to do when you have leaking faucets


It may seem like a small problem, but leaking faucets should not be left alone. For one, even if it’s just drop by drop, you will be wasting water and it will show on your water bill. Plus, depending on the location, other complications can arise. For example, mold could grow where there’s excessive moisture from leaks and there could even be minimal water damage.


That’s why it is in your best interests to eliminate that leak right away. Here are some pieces of information to help you out.


Leaking Faucet Plumbing


Solving common toilet problems


Flush away common problems with your toilet


We take it for granted, but a fully functional toilet is one of the great conveniences of modern life. What happens when common problems with your toilet disturb the flow of our day-to-day lives? It’s nothing but a ton of hassle for sure.
