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Do you have a water Leak?


Water leaks can be a big problem, especially if they are left unattended. Damage from leaking water may not always be present right away. Learning to identify the water leaks can help save your home or business money in the long run. Early water leak detection is the key to reducing your water bill, conserving energy and keeping damage to a minimum. Mold can occur quickly and without notice, so call a plumber at the first sign of trouble to help avoid a costly repair bill.


Pay Close Attention to Your Water Bill

Most homes and commercial buildings do not pay a set price for water each month. While it is normal to see some variation from month to month, abnormal water bills can be a sign of a hidden leak. Leaky pipes tend to get worse over time. After double checking to make sure the large bill isn’t a mistake, call a plumber to help you with water leak detection.


Double Check the Water Meter

Water meters can be a great way to find out if water is flowing properly. Leak indicators on the device will give you a clear sign that a leak is present. You can also use the meter to monitor when water is being used. The plumber will be able to use this information to help pinpoint the source of the problem.


Leak in copper pipe – water leak detection in Baltimore MDLearn Where to Look for Leaks


Homes are full of pipes that can spring a leak. Many of these pipes are linked to the toilet, but keep in mind that kitchens also use a great deal of water. Your plumber may start inspecting the dishwasher, sink or ice maker to see if one of them is leaking. A leaking dishwasher, for example, will try to make up for the leak by taking in more water, which in turn causes the water bill to increase.


How to Handle a Leak

If the plumber determine that a leak is to blame, rather than a leaking appliance, then the main water valve will need to be shut off. Most shut off valves are located in the garage or basement. The plumber can then proceed to locate and repair the leak. Don’t leave the water shut off for too long, or the pipes can become damaged.


Professional plumbers have the experience needed help with water leak detection. Contact a local professional to help you identify leaks and solve plumbing issues.

Atlantic Mechanical Baltimore Plumbing, Heating and Cooling